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Lv54. Neutralize the Poison

Vincent's condition is growing more critical. He needs the mucus found on a lizard's skin to neutralize the thorn's poison.

Get Rough Lizard Skin from the Rough Hide Lizards in the Forest of Thorns.

Completion Condition
Defeat Rough Hide Lizard to get Rough Lizard Skin. 0/8
Report to: Scout Vincent
Quest Reward
225076 EXP336 Silver
Select Item:
3 Armor Fortification Scrolls 1 Weapon Fortification Scroll


Accepting the Quest[]


"I consider myself pretty lucky that... you've shown up. Otherwise, who knows how long... I'd be waiting for help from the fortress. By the time they realized I was missing, I'd probably be completely paralyzed... or even eaten..."
"I can hardly move now... Could you help me neutralize this poison? Don't worry, I'll... tell you what to do." You can hear the strain it takes for Vincent to talk.


Assuring Vincent that you will do all that you can, you ask him what needs to be done.


"There's a special kind of...Rough Hide Lizard in the forest. The lizard' skin can secrete mucus that...neutralizes the toxin, thus immunizing itself from the poisonous thorns."
"If you could get me some Rough Lizard Skins... I can use the mucus on them to neutralize the toxin."

In Progress[]


"I'm lose the my limbs. Please...bring me some Rough Lizard soon as possible." Vincent seems to be struggling to speak even more.

Completing the Quest[]


Vincent is kneeling down weakly, trying to catch his breath - he looks to be struggling dangerously.


You hand the Rough Lizard Skin to Vincent.


"Thank you for...getting me these skins...There should be counteract the toxins..." Vincent struggles to apply the mucus to his wounds.


Seeing him struggle, you kneel beside him and offer to help. Vincent hands back the skin, and you successfully treat his wounds with the detoxifying mucus.


After a while, the expression of pain on his faces eases.
"I'm already beginning to feel the effects. It's still gonna take some time for me to be fully detoxified, though."