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Lv52. Gear Up

The Sand Owl Hunters confiscated the guards' and mercenaries' gear. Clive plotted to get at least the weapons back, so they could orchestrate their own escape.

Completion Condition
Defeat Sand Owl Hunter to get Mercenary's Weapon. 0/4
Defeat Sand Owl Hunter to get Mercenary's Armor. 0/4
Report to: Mercenary Clive
Quest Reward
213328 EXP325 Silver
5 Improved HP Potions


Accepting the Quest[]


"<Envoy>, I need to ask you for one last favor..." Clive looks around and continues talking softly.
"When we were imprisoned, a Sand Owl Hunter stripped us of our weapons and armor. Would you do us this great favor and steal them back for us?"
"Once we're fully equipped, we'll be able to escape by ourselves."

In Progress[]


"Alright, guys, let's get to work!"

Completing the Quest[]


You hand the equipment you managed to recover over to Clive. The mercenaries begin to gear up quickly, still trying to give the illusion that they are locked in their cages.


"I'd rather have my own gear, but at this point, I can't be too choosy."
"Suit up, people! It won't be long before those bandits figure out we gave 'em the slip."